Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Multicultural Dinner

This Saturday November 26th is the annual 861 Multicultural Dinner! Come on down, dress up in your traditional garb (Kilts, Kimono, Saree etc.) enjoy the food, dancers and games! Get to know one another and mingle! More information to follow.

Duke Of Ed

Some Documents to help with the Duke of Ed participants are up in the pages section. Check them out! Even if you are not in Duke of Ed you should join! Being in Cadets automatically does nearly all the program for you!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flight Night Protocol

There is a new page. Flight Night Protocol is it's title. Please give it a read through. It has been CO approved.

November/December Activities

These charts are for rough reference only. If there are any alterations (i.e. verbal) those are the ones to be adhered too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Class Schedule

Here is the class schedule for 02 November - the 16th of November. Right Click and Save As to get the image. Sorry that it's so large. Instructors get your lesson plans tonight, and have them done by Friday at teh latest and sent in so you can be good and prepared!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Flight Staff

This is a reminder that ALL MEMBERS of your flight (and Headquarters Staff i.e. WO1 Rai, WO2 Grant, WO2 Benton, FSGT Buckham) are to have a phone number and an email where they can contact you.

FlightSergeants are to phone weekly NO LATER THAN MONDAY informing their Cadets of upcoming events and events of interest, dress of the evening, upcoming parades, promotions etc. as well as if they Duty Flight.

Inform your Cadets that they are to inform you and Administration that they will not be attending AS SOON AS THEY KNOW. If they do not, then issue the necessary disciplinary action.

Flight Commanders phone the SWO Wednesday evening and inform him/her how many members of your flight are expected to attend.

Flight Commanders phone your FlightSergeants and the SWO if you are not attending BEFORE 1830 that Wednesday so that your position can be filled.

Thank you very much.

If you have any comments, questions, suggestions contact WO2 Grant at:
Simon-grant@live.com or 778.552.4763.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Absence Between 25 Oct - 05 Nov

I will be absent between the dates of 25 Oct - 05 Nov at the very most. I will be on Vancouver Island. If you have any questions you can reach me at simon-grant@live.com

Maiden Post


This is WO2 Grant of the 861 Silverfox on the maiden post. I have many pages already set up and running for your benefit. I will maintain this website until I age out, then I will give the administration to another Cadet in Headquarters Staff to maintain.

If there is an issue you think should be addressed, or an item of the program not already addressed please contact me, or place a comment in one of the comments boxes stating the issue.

Coming soon are photographs and video.